Welcome to Debtors Anonymous
Is debt causing you suffering?
You are not alone.
Welcome to D.A.
Debtors Anonymous has been helping debtors recover for almost 50 years. If you are having problems with money and debt and think you may be a compulsive debtor, you have come to the right place. Members of Debtors Anonymous share their experience, strength and hope and help each other to achieve financial solvency. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.
Am I a compulsive debtor?
Not sure where to start?
“When we work this program with integrity and to the best of our ability, one day at a time, a life of prosperity and serenity will be ours.”
The Twelve Promises of Debtors Anonymous
Essentials of Recovery
D.A. offers Face-to-Face, Internet and Intergroup meetings.
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The Twelve Promises of Debtors Anonymous