An invitation from DA in Seattle

We would like to invite you to the first DA Pacific Northwest Regional Event

LOCATION: Kiana Lodge which is near the Seattle area of Washington State

DATES: May 21-23, 2010.

WHO: All DA members welcome

This conference will include keynote speakers such as the current DA Board of Trustee Chairman and the past Chairperson of DA. Other speakers will come from many locations throughout the US and other countries who have much strength, hope and experience on the topics that will be presented. The theme is DA Unity, Recovery, Service: The Promises Come Alive.

Our dynamic agenda includes a variety of workshops for DA and BDA (Business DA) members. You will also be able to have PRG’s onsite throughout the conference. There will be plenty of opportunities for fellowship and to have a profound spiritual experience.

ACT NOW: Go to and read the registration brochure, three sample spending plans and view the powerpoint presentation. These include all the details you need to know to plan your finances and register for this event. The powerpoint presentation has more pictures of Kiana lodge and the beautiful surrounding area.

RESERVE your place at convention by MARCH, 2010.

We hope you are able to join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of a very special event. This will be one of the largest DA conferences ever held.

NOTE that this event is different than the DA World Service Conference, which is the annual DA business meeting, attended predominantly by elected General Service Representatives who conduct the business of DA. This event is more a convention format, open to ALL in the DA fellowship!

FOR ALL QUESTIONS please make email contact at

Please come to the DA Convention May 21 to 23, 2010