DA’s Service Structure Explained (telephone meeting)

Debtors Anonymous
General Service Office
P.O. Box 920888
Needham, MA 02492-0009
Toll Free: 800-421-2383 – US Only
781-453-2743; FAX: 781-453-2745

DA’s Service Structure Explained

The General Service Board invites all Debtors Anonymous members to join a one-hour telephone meeting exploring the details of the Fellowship’s Service Structure.

Past and present Trustees and GSRs will talk about the roles of General Service Representatives, the GSB Board Of Trustees, and the annual World Service Conference, as well as the spiritual principle of rotation of service. There will also be time for questions and sharing from members.

The meeting will take place this coming Sunday, March 7, from 5 to 6 p.m. Eastern time. The dial-in number is 218-844-0850, and the access code is 363385#.

The telephone session is one of four being offered by the GSB this year on various topics related to service and the annual DA World Service Conference.

Future sessions are scheduled for May 2 and July 18, both Sundays from 5 to 6 p.m. ET, and both accessed by the same call-in number and access code. The May call will focus on using the DA Service Manual, and the July call on participating in the WSC.