Spending Plan Workshop, Sat, Oct 23, 2010

The Spending Plan Workshop
When: Sat. Oct 23 from 12:30-4:00 p.m.
Where: 519 Church St at Wellesley, Room 304

There will be a 7th Tradition donation

We suggest you bring:

1. Your present Spending Plan, if you have one
2. Your numbers such as your monthly income and bills
3. Your daily or weekly Spending Records
4. Any plans, dreams or visions you have for yourself
5. If you have the info on your debts, bring it along
6. If you have only a few numbers, that’s fine. You’ll get good ideas about how to think through a Spending Plan, and you can plug in numbers with the help of a PRG (Pressure Relief Group) or a sponsor at a later date.
7. Also, bring a calculator, pencil and paper


12:20-12:30 – Registration, 7th tradition, settling in
12:30-12:55 – Introduction/Welcome (Room 304)
1:00-1:45 – Panel Presentations – several DA members sharing ESH around their own Spending Plans (Room 304)
1:50-2:20 – Questions, Break, Divide into groups
2:25-3:35 – Workshop 1: Do Your Own Spending Plan with Help (Rooms 204, 303, 304)
3:40-4:00 – Sharing, Feedback, Clean up

PLEASE RSVP using the form below so we can provide enough workbooks. You may also submit any questions.

[contact-form 8 “Spending Plan Workshop October 23, 2010”]