DA Retreat, Scarboro Missions, March 1-3, 2013

Come join us again this year for a communal celebration of recovery! For 2013, your Retreat Committee felt called to explore Conscious Contact, since that ability to “tap in,” to trust, to be able to “hear” what’s right for us individually, can be incredibly helpful … and even crucial when it comes to the really tough stuff we all have to get through on our paths to freedom.

No matter what step we’re working, no matter which aspect of our program we’re focused on, no matter if we’re newcomers or old-timers, there is so much to be gained by honing our skills in seeking conscious contact.

HP can reach us in many different ways through our many different human faculties, so we have tried to include exercises that approach conscious contact by various channels: through our bodies as a whole, through our eyes, through our ears, through our voices, through our hands, through our intuition … and even through our feet!

We all have different levels of strengths in each, so some exercises may feel easy to us, and others a bit more challenging … but that combination can be good, helping us find reinforcement, solidity, security in what we know, and then helping us stretch beyond those comfort zones a bit, by trying new things. We hope HP has helped us find just the right mix for each and every one of us!

We are delighted to return to the Scarboro Missions, who are again allowing us to offer both residential and non-residential options. The residential package includes Friday and Saturday night accommodation on three floors of private rooms, each with bed, desk, chair and sink, and communal shower and toilet facilities on each floor (the main floor being wheelchair-accessible). Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided on the Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

The non-residential package means you are with us Friday from 5:00 p.m. till whenever, Saturday from 9:00 a.m. till whenever, and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. till roughly 4:00 p.m., with lunch and dinner included Saturday, and lunch on Sunday. Meals are self-serve buffet-style in the cafeteria, with many different options available. Breakfast offers different breads, spreads, cereals, milks, eggs and bacon; lunch and dinner include hot and cold proteins and vegetables with an extensive soup and salad bar, and both regular and sugar-free desserts.

Coffee, teas, juices and fruits are available at all times. We also have a small kitchen of our own exclusively for our use – full fridge, stove/oven, microwave, and dishwasher — especially helpful for any of us with special food needs. The Missions are very helpful around dietary restrictions, so please let us know if you have any specific requests, so we can investigate possible accommodations.

Even the planning sessions for this retreat have felt incredibly HP-guided right from the start … it has already been an amazing, enlightening and heartening experience in so many ways, and we can’t wait to share it all with all of you! As always, we’ll have abundant fellowship, and food for mind and body … and hopefully heaps of fun, too! Looking SO very forward to sharing this experience together!

Please download the registration form for pricing and information about scholarships: http://debtorsanonymous.ca/2013-Retreat-Registration-Form.pdf

In loving service, your Retreat Planning Committee

Questions? Email us below.
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