Call for Submissions: Black Voices In D.A.

Apr 30, 2023 | Other News


D.A. is preparing a pamphlet in the “Voices” series in which Black members can tell their stories of recovery.

You are invited to submit your story.

At the 2019 World Service Conference in Los Angeles, the Convocation passed a motion to approve the concept of developing a pamphlet entitled “D.A. Voices from the Black Community.” Its mission statement is to “Give voice to the voiceless by bringing the message of D.A. to the black debtor who still suffers.”

Our hope is that these recovery stories by Black D.A.members will help to reflect a diversity of paths to a serene and solvent recovery. This is our Step-12 work as a fellowship: helping to make D.A. more inclusive by carrying the message to the debtor who still suffers. We welcome the experience, strength and hope from black members throughout the world.

Guidelines for submitting your story

You may want to address some of the following points:

  • What was your life like before D.A.?
  • What brought you into the program?
  • What was your experience coming into D.A.?
  • What are your experiences with incurring unsecured debt with earning?
  • What have been your challenges in recovery?
  • How has D.A. changed your life?
  • How have you used D.A.’s tools and steps to remain solvent and to have an abundant and prosperous life?

Your submission should observe D.A. ‘s Twelve Traditions and be written in the first person: ‘When I first came to D.A. ….’ Submissions will be anonymised for the final publication. The D.A. GSB reserves the right to edit your work where necessary.


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