Other News

Early Motions for Discussion

Part of the World Service Conference's ongoing momentum towards becoming more participatory is to send out Early Motions for your group to discuss, should you wish to.  These motions will come before the WSC in Ottawa for your GSR or ISR to vote...

World Service Conference 2024 Fundraising

The Host Committee for the 38th Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference in Ottawa this summer is raising funds to help get future GSRs and ISRs to the World Service Conference. The Host Committee has made WSC38 t-shirts, notebooks, coffee mugs and more available....

Deadline to vote is Friday at midnight

As many of you know, there is a fellowship wide vote in progress, ending in 48 hours – May 10, midnight EST. If 75% of all registered groups vote for these changes, they will pass. If not, there will be no change. Concept Two (p.121 of D.A’s 12, 12 and 12) outlines...

Call for Submissions: Debtors Anonymous Basic Text

The GSB Literature Publications and Literature Services Committees are asking D.A. members to submit their recovery stories for possible inclusion in the “Member Stories” section of the Basic Text of Debtors Anonymous. Our hope is that the recovery stories will...

Call for Submissions: Black Voices In D.A.

D.A. WANTS TO HEAR YOUR VOICE! D.A. is preparing a pamphlet in the "Voices” series in which Black members can tell their stories of recovery. You are invited to submit your story. At the 2019 World Service Conference in Los Angeles, the Convocation passed a motion to...

Call For Submissions: Solvency in Retirement

Call for Submissions: Voices of Recovery: Solvency in Retirement pamphlet The WSC Literature Committee invites members to submit D.A. recovery stories for possible inclusion in the Voices of Recovery: Solvency in Retirement pamphlet. Submissions should be...

Intergroup 7th Contributions

Dear Intergroup reps: if you wish to send a 7th contribution to Intergroup by e-transfer, until further notice please send it to the following email address: web.cecda21@gmail.com. Please also note that the information currently on the Groups page of this website is...

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