Early Motions for Discussion

Jun 23, 2024 | Other News

Part of the World Service Conference’s ongoing momentum towards becoming more participatory is to send out Early Motions for your group to discuss, should you wish to. 

These motions will come before the WSC in Ottawa for your GSR or ISR to vote on. There are four in all: three from WSC Fellowship Communications and one from WSC Literature.

If your group has a Group Service Representative (GSR) you might wish to hold a group conscience and give them an indication of how the group would like to vote. If you do not have a GSR going to Conference this year, your local or regional Intergroup would be a good place to make your views known so that the Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) can take views into account when they vote.

Each delegate, however, is entitled to vote according to their own conscience, in the spirit of the Right of Decision described in Concept 3 of the Twelve Concepts for D.A. World Service. 

The motions are:


GSB Note: The exact name of the Day (Founder’s or Unity) will be a matter for discussion at WSC.

1. Founder’s (or Unity) Day 

FCC moves to create a Founder’s (or Unity) Day Founder’s (or Unity) Day would be an annual event, taking place in the month of April starting in 2026, (50 years!) where all members are encouraged to recognize and celebrate the Founding of our wonderful Debtors Anonymous organization. Founder’s (or Unity) Day could be a part of the legacy our founder John H. has left for us. 

Note: the two motions found below are applicable if Founder’s (or Unity) Day is accepted. 

2. Change date of Promise 6 Day to the month of June. 

FCC moves to change the celebration of Promise 6 Day from the month of April to the month of June, (June being the 6th month). 

“Isolation will give way to fellowship-faith will replace fear”. 

This is an annual event that will take place in the month of June. On this day members are encouraged to participate in fellowship and to break out of isolation which can be a big part of the disease of debting. 

3. Mission statement 

 FCC moves to change its mission statement to: 

The Fellowship Communications Committee (FCC) facilitates communication and promotes collaboration among the debtor who still suffers, the Debtors Anonymous membership, the World Service Conference Committees and Caucuses, the General Service Office, and the General Service Board. It oversees Founder’s (or Unity) Day, Promise 6 Day, as well as the curation and editing of the Ways and Means magazine.

From WSC Literature Committee (1 motion)

4. Gender Identity and Debt: Voices of Gender-expansive Debtors.

The WSC Literature Committee, together with the Underserved and Underrepresented Outreach Committee, moves that the Conference approve the development of a pamphlet outline on Gender Identity and Debt: Voices of Gender-expansive Debtors.


The pamphlet would specifically address issues that directly affect the gender-expansive community, including, but not limited to, gender-affirming care expenses and debt.

We look forward to seeing your GSR/ISR at the WSC in Ottawa. 

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