Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) Position Available

Nov 13, 2016 | Intergroup

The Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) position is available. The due date for applications is Sunday, January 15, 2017. Please send your application to your intergroup representative who will forward it to intergroup.


The selection of an ISR is a solemn trust for any DA service entity. We want the right person to represent us on the World Service level. The strength of the DA service structure rests in the group conscience of the GSRs and ISRs who serve our Fellowship at the Conference. Therefore, your Intergroup is opening up the position of ISR (Intergroup Service Representative) to any qualified member of DA whose home group is donating funds to Intergroup.

If you meet the following criteria, and are willing to accept the responsibilities below, please complete the following information and submit to your group’s Intergroup representative.

  • Clearly list your DA solvency date (minimum one year of not having incurred any unsecured debt).
  • Have a DA sponsor and be working the steps.
  • List how many PRGs you’ve had (minimum of two).
  • Name your Home Group and outline your service there.
  • Describe your ability to work in harmony with others, even amid controversy.
  • Have you the stamina to stay focused for long hours during the busiest days of the WSC?
  • Tell us why you would make a great ISR.
  • Why do you feel called to be ISR at this time?

ISR RESPONSIBILITIES – short form (see below for more detail on starred items)

  1. You will work on a standing committee of the Conference for the full length of the WSC, and by telephone or email throughout the year until the next Conference.
  2. You should be committed to either one or two 3-year terms, and are expected to allow rotation of leadership by serving no more than 3 years on any one committee.
  3. *You also have the job of carrying the group conscience of your group or Intergroup to the Conference. (see below for more details)
  4. You need to report news of the Conference’s activities to Toronto and Area groups in person on return from the conference within two months.
  5. *You need to keep the groups informed of the Conference’s activities during the year (see below)
  6. You need to be willing to be an occasional speaker at DA groups and functions.
  7. *Fundraising is the responsibility of the groups which form Intergroup, though the ISR is welcome to also engage in fundraising. (see below for more details)


*3. You also have the job of carrying the group conscience of your group or Intergroup to the Conference. We are a bottom up organization where the leaders are but trusted servants. It is important for WSC to hear what members feel would enhance their solvency and would help newcomers to stay and achieve solvency.

Intergroup group conscience is obtained by the ISR reminding Intergroup Reps in the January Intergroup meeting to ask their groups to discern if they have any issues they’d like taken to WSC. The groups will submit a report of any issues to the April Intergroup meeting. The issues will be discussed at April Intergroup meeting so that they’re understood by all, then a full list of issues will be brought back to groups so that Intergroup Reps get an idea of how their group would like them prioritized (or say no to).

At July’s Intergroup meeting, those that didn’t have “no”’s will be prioritized by Intergroup, and the ISR will bring these to WSC. (For “no”’s, the individual groups may request an answer by submitting it online.)

*5. You need to keep the groups informed of the Conference’s activities during the year by regularly attending Intergroup meetings and giving a report, if appropriate, a written report which will be distributed with the minutes.

*7. Fundraising to send an ISR to WSC is the responsibility of the groups which form Intergroup, though the ISR is welcome to also engage in fundraising if they feel led to do so by their HP and sponsor. We encourage fundraising that focuses on recovery, such as organizing a DA Speaker Meeting that has a special seventh towards ISR costs.

If fundraising could feed addiction, such as yard sales, we ask that they be peacefully (not rushed, no pressure) and solvently prepared. It is not required that we must raise funds to send our ISR every year. We will consistently strive to raise ISR funds and we will gratefully and peacefully send our ISR to World Service Conference in the years we have the funds to send a rep.

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