Sponsorship workshop – Sat, May 16th

Apr 28, 2009 | Special Events

The next phone workshop will take place on Saturday, May 16th, 4:00 p.m. EST on Sponsorship.

The Sponsorship workshop will include a panel of experienced and abstinent DA members discussing issues such as how they found a sponsor, what they look for in a sponsor/sponsee, when did they feel ready to start sponsoring, what the relationship is like, how or why they might end a relationship with a sponsor/sponsee. Then there will be a Q&A when anyone on the phone call can ask questions about the sponsorship process. Finally, we will attempt to connect people who need sponsors with people willing to be sponsors.

The conference call is expected to last around 2 1/2 hours.

The dial-in number will be: 270-696-2525 and the access code will be: 22580#

7th Tradition contributions will be requested from those that can afford them, however no one should be deterred from attending for financial reasons. Our only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.

Planned topics for future workshops include Abstinence, Record-keeping, Visions, and Dealing with Creditors.

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