Wanted: Intergroup Service Rep for Toronto Area DA

Apr 25, 2010 | Intergroup

CALL FOR Intergroup Service Rep
Application Deadline: May 11, 2010

The selection of an ISR is a solemn trust for any DA service entity. We want the right person to represent us at the World Service level. The strength of the DA service structure rests in the group conscience of the GSRs and ISRs who serve our Fellowship at the Conference.

Therefore, your Intergroup is opening up the position of ISR (Intergroup Service Representative) to any qualified member of DA whose Home Group is donating funds to Intergroup. That ISR will be sent to DA’s 2010 World Service Conference, August 11-15, 2010 in Denver, Colorado.

A candidate will be chosen from the emails Intergroup receives, and announced on May 25, 2010.

If you meet the criteria, and are willing to accept the responsibilities, please use the Contact form to let us know.

Please see this attachment for ISR criteria and requirements.

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